
My Blocks for René

Here is my first block for René. I knew she wanted traditional crosses and I kept thinking about the crosses I see whenever I travel in and around the Blue Ridge Mountains. So, I attempted to make my own paper-pieced pattern. I must say that I felt like I was back in math class with my pen and graph paper! I am unhappy with how wrinkly this one looks, I am blaming it on the starch because it didn't look like this when I had only pressed it and the second block doesn't have starch. It really looks better in person.

This one was my second block. I considered leaving it only 9 inches and not bordering it because I wasn't sure René would want a border like this, but then I thought, she can always undo the border. I would have tried some cream...but I didn't have enough left.
Hope you like them René :)

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