I finally got Geri's blocks done! I hope you like it Geri! I will be mailing them to you shortly!
Am I the only one?
Am I the only one that posts on this blog now? LOL
Here is Ruth's block. LOVE it! I really enjoyed making it!
Here is Ruth's block. LOVE it! I really enjoyed making it!
Kristen's blocks
I didn't get to this until today and so I am sorry it will be a few days late Kristen! I decided to go with a block that I have done before, the asterisk block. I did it for a quilt along recently and just love it! But instead of the cutting and stuff I just appliqued it on!
I hope you like it Kristen!!!
Then I hope you like my siggy block! I was kinda at a loss of what to do so I just started doodling!
Hello Everyone!
Ocean Blocks
Kelli, this one is called Virginia Reel in my magazine and often called Snail's Tail. I used some of the Neptune from my stash in order to get the color combos I wanted. I hope that is okay with your overall plan. My son was deployed this week and I had you and your family on my mind as I was making your blocks.
This one is called Ocean Waves. I didn't realize until I was finished that it is really a 10" block, so I added a border with the same color type but a different print.
Hope you like them!
My April Blocks
I hope these will work well in your quilt. I have a little fabric left over and was thinking about making another block if I have time.
March Blocks finally done!
Aimee I am sooo sorry I haven't gotten these done on time!! March FLEW by! But I finished your blocks last night! I will get them off in the mail to you tomorro! And then Kelli I am going to get your blocks done today! :D I will be on time again!
The first block looks like the house I grew up in. It had a green roof! And then the second house is my home now!! I live in a duplex!
April Blocks
It must be Spring Break because I am dreaming of the ocean and sandy beaches and warm sunshine! No beaches for us this Spring. We are visiting my sister in PA and I think it might be colder here than in Michigan!
Anyway, my theme for the month of April is the sea. I'm sending each of you 7 layer cake pieces an one 2 1/4" WOF strip from Tula Pink's Neptune line. My post in our Flickr group has some pictures and inspirations, so go check that out.
Here are the basic guidelines, though:
1. Be inpsired by the sea
2. Use the Neptune Fabric only (if you need to add one more fabric to make your vision complete, use a solid-ish white)
3. 12 1/2" pieced blocks, no applique this time
4. One or two blocks (whatever works)
5. Know right now that I will probably be thrilled with your idea and execution, so relax and have fun!!
Anyway, my theme for the month of April is the sea. I'm sending each of you 7 layer cake pieces an one 2 1/4" WOF strip from Tula Pink's Neptune line. My post in our Flickr group has some pictures and inspirations, so go check that out.
Here are the basic guidelines, though:
1. Be inpsired by the sea
2. Use the Neptune Fabric only (if you need to add one more fabric to make your vision complete, use a solid-ish white)
3. 12 1/2" pieced blocks, no applique this time
4. One or two blocks (whatever works)
5. Know right now that I will probably be thrilled with your idea and execution, so relax and have fun!!
Welcome to the Jungle!
I love quilts with houses, so I am asking you to make an improved house or two. Do what you have time to do. I am sending you each an over sized fat quarter of blue fabric for you to use for the sky. If it is alright, I'm asking you to pull from your own stashes and scraps to make the house and ground. You can make the house look like your own house or a house from your imagination. Whatever. The houses can be any size/color/style you like. Put your own personality into it. Whatever blue fabric you don't use can be added to your own scraps. You can make the houses wonky or traditional or a combination. I want these houses to represent you. The blocks should be 12.5 inches. I know there are lots of house block patterns around the web if you want to use a pattern. In about 1 minute of searching I found a nice tutorial on flickr, and also a paper pieced house from block central.
These are two house blocks that I have made. (the block on the right is smaller. I accidentally trimmed it to 12 inches instead of 12.5 inches. I think I'll make it into a pillow to match the quilt.) I didn't use a pattern, I just kind of winged it. I didn't even draw it out on paper first. I just started with the door and went from there.

These are two house blocks that I have made. (the block on the right is smaller. I accidentally trimmed it to 12 inches instead of 12.5 inches. I think I'll make it into a pillow to match the quilt.) I didn't use a pattern, I just kind of winged it. I didn't even draw it out on paper first. I just started with the door and went from there.
I'm sure you all thought I had fallen off the face of the planet, but I've just been really busy. I finally finished both of my blocks this weekend! First, Donna's:
This was my first time paper piecing and I'm glad I have learned this technique. This one was kind of tough for me! However, I'm happy with how it turned out! Now Rene's improv cross:

This was my first improv block. I had fun with this block! Hope both Donna and Rene like there blocks! I will try to send them out tomorrow!
This was my first improv block. I had fun with this block! Hope both Donna and Rene like there blocks! I will try to send them out tomorrow!
Who's next?
I still have to actually finish Rene's blocks, but they will be in the mail SOON, but I was wondering if Aimee was next or was it me? I am going by the order on the right hand side of our blog. Someone clue me in. I feel a little scattered right now :)
My Blocks for René
Here is my first block for René. I knew she wanted traditional crosses and I kept thinking about the crosses I see whenever I travel in and around the Blue Ridge Mountains. So, I attempted to make my own paper-pieced pattern. I must say that I felt like I was back in math class with my pen and graph paper! I am unhappy with how wrinkly this one looks, I am blaming it on the starch because it didn't look like this when I had only pressed it and the second block doesn't have starch. It really looks better in person.
This one was my second block. I considered leaving it only 9 inches and not bordering it because I wasn't sure René would want a border like this, but then I thought, she can always undo the border. I would have tried some cream...but I didn't have enough left.
Hope you like them René :)
Mail Call...
I have received blocks from Ruth, Wanda, and Geri. The blocks are beautiful. Thank you so much :)
Another Block done
Here ya go Rene....more blocks for you!! If you want more pictures look at my blog :D
Rene's Blocks
My blocks :D
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